Argentinian gay male porn stars

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ĭespite keeping a very active presence in Instagram and Twitter, Kendro Leandro is a mystery to me. Here we can see our Best Gay Pstar 2018 Argentina (he is River Taylor in the credits) performing in a fascinating Argentinean porn movie: Learning.

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Our Best Gay Pstar 2018 Argentina is a mystery

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Nowadays, Kendro is the major star of Latin Leche, a clon of the traditional Gay for Pay gender websites, like Czech Hunter, Debt Dandy, or many others.Ĭertainly, I did try to reach both, Latin Leche and our Best Gay Pstar 2018 Argentina during my last trip to Buenos Aires. Besides that one, you may also enjoy reading Porn Art, or Two Porn Gems. For instance, you can take a look to Finding Porn. We have addressed his works in several previous notes. Our admiration for this unusually talented performer is not new. As a matter of fact, in a quite unusual move in the industry, he shares his real name in his social media. We will follow the name our distinguished performer has chosen for his Only Fans page, although it is (still?) sadly empty. For instance he was River Taylor in Learning, or Kendro Boy in several other productions. Our Best Gay Pstar 2018 Argentina has performed with several names.

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